Friday, May 21, 2010

Prop and Pinball Shots

I just updated my website with a few new prop and pinball pool shots. The first one is the Circular Follow Pinball shot. It's an adaptation of the regular Circular Follow shot, but it gets the object ball to do just as much work as the cue ball. Pinball Wizard is another similar shot, with action going on all around the table. I first saw both of these through Andy 'The Magic Man' Segal. Gordon's Gauntlet is a nifty shot I picked up from Gordon 'The Wolf' Hedges. Finally, I put up a video of Ride The Bridge, a not-as-easy-as-it-looks shot that's been around for a while. These are some of the most creative pool and billiard shots you'll see!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Trick Shots in Billiards Digest

Check out the feature article in the May 2010 Billiards Digest! Trick shot tutorials featuring Mike Massey, Andy Segal, Stefano Pelinga, Nick Nikolaidis, and Tom Rossman!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Spent a lot of time this weekend working on some shots that I couldn't get during the last Ultimate Trick Shot tour stop. There's a double juggling speed shot which is still a work in progress. It works every now and again. Then there's a couple pinball type shots which I hoped to film yesterday before a loud party commenced in the room. And also some two-cues-in-one-hand jump shots, which aren't too bad. Finally, there's this neat shot I found posted on Samm Diep's blog, which I should take to some other tables to make sure the banks still work.